The images in this collection were made with motion sensor cameras between 2007 and 2011. I began this project during grad school when I would visit my mother on the weekend in the northern suburbs of Atlanta. It was a densely wooded area, but it was also right on the front lines of urban sprawl, and I could see it changing rapidly with each visit. These cameras were made primarily for hunters, and most of the companies making them had just gone digital, but I called one of them and was able to get three of the last 35mm film cameras they had. The images they produced when the powerful flash illuminated the night were richly saturated, and the plastic lens created beautiful distortions around the edges of the frame. Because of the unpredictable and elusive nature of animals, there is always an element of surprise built into each image. Like the hunter, the camera functions as an intruder in the forest, revealing the creatures we know are there, but rarely see.
Failed Attempts at Photographing Birds